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The CYANVision is a semi-automated biochemistry analyzer that is widely applied in hospitals and research institutes for the quantitative determination of different biochemical substances and other characteristics in various biological samples. The type of in vitro diagnostic tests that can be performed on this analyzer includes Enzyme levels (ALT,ASTL etc), Ion Levels (e.g Sodium and potassium) and others (Glucose, serum Albumin or Creatinine etc). This super-compact analyzer uses Light-emitting diodes (LED) to achieve unprecedented measurement perfomance. With guidance and advice, the operating system helps you deliver precise and acurate results.

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Globec Scientific Limited is the emerging and dynamic company specializing in importing and supplying of medical equipment, consumables and other scientific instruments and materials. Globec Scientific Limited is a privately-owned limited company that was registered and incorporated in May 2021....

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